How do I download images?
I can't view the .zip files?
How do I use the .sat files?
What do the little stars mean next to the downloads?

updated 02/12/99


Choose a location


To save images:
-> 1. Right click on them
-> 2. Choose save image
-> 3. Choose a folder
-> 4. Easy, eh!

I don't have WinZip:
-> goto this other page I made

How to use a .sat file:
-> 1. First download the file to a folder on your computer
        *if your browser doesn't download it when you click, right click and choose "save target as" or something similar.
-> 2. Start CAD and open a new blank drawing
-> 3. Go to file, insert, ACIS file. or something close to that "ACIS"
-> 4. You should be able to choose the .sat file.
-> 5. Once inserted you can rotate, zoom and render. I don't know if you can modify it or not.

What do the little stars (*) next to the downloads mean?
-> I just put those there to show that they are new additions since the last time I updated the page.

Anything else, e-mail me.


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Designed by: William Margolin, Mechanical Engineer
Modeled by: Scott Jacks, student
Web page by: Scott Jacks, student
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