Part C --- Introduction to animation in Maple (animating plots) (7 minutes)

We need the display command to animate plots, so we must first load the plots library:

> with(plots):

We can use seq to create sequences of functions. Let's look at the sequence of functions we will be plotting:

> { seq( i*x, i = 1 .. 9 ) };

[Maple Math]

Now plot them:

> plot( { seq( i*x, i = 1 .. 9 ) }, x = -5 .. 5 );

[Maple Plot]



Now we plot each of [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , ... just like before, but this time let's put the plots into a list which I'll call " ListOfPlots ":

> ListOfPlots := [ seq( plot( i*x, x = -5 .. 5 ), i = 1 .. 9 ) ]:

Note that I was careful to use a colon instead of a semicolon, since plots inside sequences are not interesting until displayed. You can display any given plot in the list like this:

> display( ListOfPlots[6] );

[Maple Plot]

But what is REALLY cool is to animate the sequence.
To do so, just feed it to
display with the " insequence=true " option:

> display( ListOfPlots, insequence = true );

[Maple Plot]

To see the animation, select the picture,
which causes controls for the animation to appear below the standard tool bar (at the top of your screen).
Try them out!!! (Which control is the "play" button? Be sure to try the effect of the rightmost control.)

> sincurve := plot(sin(x),x=-20..20):

> display( sincurve, insequence=true);

[Maple Plot]


