Part B --- A jigsaw to learn more about the add command (35 minutes)

I'll give you a handout that directs you through a jigsaw:

Phase 1, Learning: see the handout. Do this phase with others of the same "color".

Phase 2, Explaining and Experiencing: see the handout. Do this phase with your entire learning group/team.

Phase 3, Applying what you learned: Do the following exercises on your own or with a partner (your choice).

Exercise 1.

Exercise 1 (do now, but not to turn in): Write an add command that produces the following:

[Maple Math]

> add((-1)^n*(x^n)/(n!),n=0..8);

[Maple Math]

Exercise 2.

Exercise 2 (do now, but not to turn in): Write an add command that produces the following:

[Maple Math]

> add((x^n)/(3*n),n=1..7);

[Maple Math]

Exercise 3.

Exercise 3 (do now, but not to turn in): Write the command that produces the Exercise 2 expression as a sequence (with commas replacing the plus signs). (Use copy-and-paste!)

> seq((x^n)/(3*n),n=1..7);

[Maple Math]